- PROJECT: RakuRakuSeisan
- NAME: Nguyen Danh Tho
- POSITION: Senior Project Leader – Development Department
—– Could you share something about yourself?
I am Nguyen Danh Tho. I have a family with my wife and 2 children.
Before joining Rakus Vietnam, I worked through 4 companies, mostly outsourcing companies for Japan.
Around August 2017, I became a member of Rakus Vietnam as Senior Software Engineer. Two years later, I took on the role of Project Leader. May 2022 was promoted to Senior Project Leader. Currently I am managing a team of RakuRakuSeisan project.
—– Please tell us why you decided to join Rakus Vietnam, about your background or orientation at that time, etc.
I came to Rakus Vietnam for a very special occasion.
Before Rakus Vietnam was established, I participated in the RakuRakuSeisan project at other outsourcing company. At that time, I felt that Rakus’ company philosophy was very different from others – always caring about people and quality of work. Specifically, in the project there is almost no problem of urgent OT and everyone works together very comfortably.
Later, when I became a member of Rakus Vietnam, I realized that this was the right choice. Here, I had the opportunity to grow up, gain experience in both technical and management skills through many training courses of the company.
—– Please share your current job and role at the company?
Currently, I am managing 4 members. My specific job includes receiving requirements from Rakus Japan, then analyzing and planning for members to implement. During the member’s work, I will also accompany them to ensure the work goes in the right direction and smoothly. It is also necessary to confirm unknown issues with Rakus Japan from time to time.
After the member completes, I will be responsible for reviewing the results to ensure the best quality before transferring to Rakus Japan.
—– In the work that requires a lot of coordination with Rakus Japan, can you tell us about the division of roles in development between Japan and Vietnam?
The RakuRakuSeisan project development team in Rakus Vietnam has 10 members, divided into 2 teams. We work collaboratively with members of Rakus Japan through 3 Vietnamese BrSE – Bridge Engineers (working in Japan). BrSE members will be the bridge between Rakus Vietnam and Rakus Japan, making communication smooth.
Currently, Rakus Vietnam is carrying out most of the development phases such as: research, survey, basic design, detailed design, implementation and quality control. In addition, in the future, Rakus Vietnam is also planning to expand the implementation of some phases such as: requirements definition, system performance improvement, system migration, …
—– Please tell us about your current daily workflow as a Project Leader.
My daily work mainly revolves around specific tasks such as:
- Check the progress of the member’s task and report to the Japanese side,
- Discuss with members about arising problems or unclear points,
- Contact the BrSE with questions or points to confirm,
- In addition, our team also has a number of Kaizen (improvement) activities to improve everyone’s skills such as: analyzing the encountered bugs to avoid repetition, sharing useful technical knowledge with everyone. know, …
—– Then, please tell us more specifically about your actions in the current project to help the members grow and mature.
On the Company’s side, there are many training courses to develop soft skills for employees. Every year, there are about 2 soft skills courses designed specifically for each level, taught by the external experts. The skills that we learn can be mentioned such as: Effective communication skills, problem solving skills, skills in organizing information and writing documents, …
On the team side, there are also many periodic kaizen activities to improve members’ technical skills such as:
- Weekly: Share good code/bad code for everyone to learn and avoid repeating bad points
- Monthly: 5 Whys analysis skills through analyzing encountered bugs, learning and sharing new techniques through seminars; At the same time, each member self-reviews the tasks that have not done well in the month and comes up with a Kaizen plan.
—– Your team is developing very well together. How about the atmosphere of the team when working together, please describe a bit.
In the team, everyone always works in harmony and supports each other. You can ask other members for support at any time without fear of disturbing, everyone will always listen and help each other.
The superiors always listen and solve the problems of the subordinates. At Rakus Vietnam, we have 1on1 meetings to discuss and share issues both inside and outside of work. We can freely speak our mind without worrying about anything.
On the Japanese side, it is the same, they listen to the proposals of Rakus Vietnam and also the things that the Vietnamese side is worried about. For example, if you want to discuss the quality of the product, please talk directly to the Japanese side, they will take the time to listen and give specific instructions.
—– What do you find motivating in your work?
At Rakus Vietnam, I always develop myself every day through work, kaizen activities and training courses.
At the same time, my contributions are always recognized by my superiors. We have 2 performance reviews each year, so each effort is evaluated objectively and fairly.
I have friendly colleagues who always support each other enthusiastically, stick together and treat each other like family through the company’s activities.
In addition, my family is also a motivation for me to work at the company for a long time. Because in Rakus Vietnam, my family is also valued and cared for.
—– What are your next steps for the future?
Currently Rakus Vietnam is carrying out the stages from basic design to product quality control. The next step of our team is that the Vietnamese side can perform additional steps such as: defining requirements, enhancing quality.
We are working together towards this next step through learning every day, to be able to take on more and more work.
My own next step is to become a Project Manager. I believe that my goal will be achieved because I have great support from the company and the surrounding colleagues.
—– Could you share your impression of the corporate culture at Rakus Vietnam?
At Rakus Vietnam, there is very few OT, after work people often meet to play badminton or soccer. Negative things like stress from too much work pressure or unfriendly co-workers don’t happen at all at the company. Here, everyone always works in a fun, friendly and approachable atmosphere.
The company’s slogan is “Creating a Company We Love”. Together we have built a company that everyone loves.
In particular, each annual company trip is carefully invested in visiting sites, time to relax, time for family, and collective games to connect everyone. Every year we play hard in the team building session and enjoy the Gala dinner.
—– How do you spend your free time?
5:30pm the work ends, then I can go home and spend the rest of my time with my family. I usually spend time with my kids or take them out on the weekends. Occasionally, I bring my family to participate in company-organized activities such as picnics or dinner together.
In addition, I also spend time reading books to learn more soft skills such as communication or people management.